Welcome to the SynergyOS monthly newsletter for June 2024.
This month, we're excited to introduce significant enhancements to the platform.
Revamped Email Integration
We have improved the management and interaction with emails within SynergyOS. Now, emails have their own data object separate from files which allow us to provide better functionality like specific email metadata (from, to, ccc, attachments, etc.), more advanced search capabilities with the extended metadata fields, and new frontend capabilities to see emails in new windows, open attachments with desktop applications, and a very powerful feature to automatically help you to save attachments and append them to the original file so you can have the version history of the file with both internal and external versions.
Email integration in Synergy
Emails can be browsed from both "All items" and "Emails".

Email window
You can open each email on its own window and open attachments with desktop applications.

New Outlook Add-in
The new outlook add-in allows you to save emails to folders and projects within Outlook easily, in addition to the current drag and drop functionality.

You can also see if anyone from the team has already saved the email:

SynergyOS available from the Microsoft Store
We have published SynergyOS in the Microsoft Store to make it easier for users to install with one click, in addition to the web app install option in Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
You can get SynergyOS here: https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9n73j0b9phbf

An improved version of Containers, providing a unified way to view, organize and manage specific types of items.

2024-07 Roadmap
For the next few months we will be working on:
- Personal folders: every internal user will have a personal folder for his own use. This is particularly helpful for email management to keep information private by default.
- Email and calendar client: a complete email client within SynergyOS to replace Outlook / Gmail.
If you have inputs / feedback about your daily workflow and how you could save time with email management, please reach out, we are all ears!
The SynergyOS team