Welcome to the monthly Product Newsletter for September 2023.


Updated interface

This month we have updated the Drive interface and icons to follow Microsoft's open-source FluentUI 9 design language.

We believe this modernized visual interface is more user-friendly and appealing. We have also taken this opportunity to simplify the tab panel on the left side to group the tabs less used in one "mixed" tab.


Folder / Data room export index

You can now create a full index of all files and folders in Excel. Select the folder you want to use as the root of the index and click on "Create folder tree index". Once created, you can download the Excel from the "Exported folder trees" tab. This is particularly useful when you need to share a full index of shared folders in a dataroom.


This is the end result in Excel: Picture

Better sharing and permissions panel

We have unified the sharing & permissions pane so you can see current permissions when you add new users.

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Improvements in guest folder subscriptions and notifications

Internal users can now subscribe guest users to notifications easily from the subscription pane. This is especially useful for dataroom usage so you do not need to manually notify user of new files and folders.

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Version 10

This month we have released a fully revamped version of Synergy Tools, which should bring significant performance improvements and new functionalities.

Clipboard and PDF access from Tools

Synergy Tools has a new user interface to make it easier to access files from the clipboard and perform advanced features such as large uploads.

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2023-10 Roadmap

The upcoming features on our roadmap for October include:

  • Unify Drive and Workflow applications into one SynergyOS app

The SynergyOS team