Welcome to the monthly Product Newsletter for June 2023.
This month we are thrilled to announce the launch of the SynergyOS Whistleblower Channel and Compliance Portal.
This new product is designed to enable companies to establish a secure and confidential whistleblower channel, ensuring compliance with the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive.
Product information: SynergyOS Whistleblowing
The Whistleblower Channel
The EU Whistleblower Protection Directive mandates that companies provide a safe and confidential channel for reporting breaches of European Union law. The SynergyOS Whistleblower Channel is designed to easily meet this requirement, providing a secure platform for anyone to report any concerns without fear of retaliation.

Compliance Portal
The SynergyOS Whistleblower Channel is not just a standalone product; it is an integral part of our broader compliance solution. It integrates seamlessly with the SynergyOS Compliance Portal, creating a unified system for managing compliance across your organization.
When a report is made through the Whistleblower Channel, it is automatically logged in the Compliance Portal. This allows for efficient tracking and management of reports, ensuring that no concern goes unnoticed. The Compliance Portal provides a comprehensive overview of all reports, their status, and any actions taken, facilitating transparency and accountability in your organization's response to whistleblower reports.
The SynergyOS Whistleblower Channel and Compliance Portal together provide a robust system for managing compliance, fostering a culture of integrity, and ensuring adherence to the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive.

Guest users login
Guests users now can only log in using a temporary password sent to their email, instead of using a combination of email and password. There are two reasons for this change:
To increase security: when you share with a guest user, that person is working at a specific company. If they change employers but keep their username and password, they could access confidential information that they should not access anymore. To avoid this potential problem and to make sure that you are sharing only with current employees of other companies, we have changed the log in mechanism for guest users for a temporary password that they receive in their email.
For convenience: guest users tend to forget their passwords for external systems. In addition to improving security, we can make it easier for guest users to log in without having to remember passwords.

Search UI improvements
We have made it easier to use search filters with a better interface. Once you select filters, it is easier to see what you have selected both on the selection pane on the main sidebar.

No updates this month.
2023-06 Roadmap
The upcoming features on our roadmap for July include:
- Change in Drive folder permissions
- Improvements in file and folder subscriptions and notifications
- Client feedback for new functionalities
The SynergyOS team